
Zeolit 500G

100% prirodni mineral

Zeolit je prirodni mineral vulkanskog podrijetla i najmoćniji je poznati detoksikator. Djeluje putem ionske izmjene i na sebe poput magneta privlači sve ione pozitivnog naboja; sve teške metale (olovo, arsen, živa, nikal, krom…), te ostale toksine (mikotoksine, pesticide, herbicide, štetne kemijske spojeve, kancerogene supstance, radionuklide…)

KUPI 35.84

CBD ulje 30% 10ml

INDIJA CBD ekstrakt konoplje 30%

Konoplja je ljekovita biljka čije su blagodati za ljudsko zdravlje u mnogim civilizacijama poznate od drevnih vremena.

KUPI 65.03

Indol - 3 - Karabinol

Podržava zdravlje stanica

- Detoksikacija na najvišoj razini prirodnim biljnim ekstraktima
- Pomaže detoksikacijskoj funkciji jetre i procesima samočišćenja crijeva

KUPI 35.00

Bio Trgovina herceg

Kupovina na našoj web trgovini donosi niz prednosti:

  • Zdravi proizvodi: Ponuda obuhvaća bio i organske proizvode, što znači da možete birati između visokokvalitetnih, prirodnih namirnica i proizvoda za zdraviji način života.
  • Praktičnost: Kupovina putem web trgovine omogućuje vam da jednostavno i brzo naručite proizvode iz udobnosti svog doma ili radnog mjesta.
  • Širok asortiman: Bio Trgovina Herceg nudi raznolik izbor proizvoda - od hrane, preko kozmetike, do dodataka prehrani - sve na jednom mjestu.
  • Dostava na kućnu adresu: Uštedite vrijeme i napor jer proizvodi stižu direktno na vašu kućnu adresu.
  • Pouzdanost: Poznati su po kvaliteti i pouzdanosti, te nude sigurnu online kupovinu.
  • Kupovina na "Bio Trgovina Herceg" omogućuje vam da podržite zdraviji način života i doživite praktičnost online kupovine kvalitetnih proizvoda.
Web Trgovina

“Becoming more involved in administration within the (MidMichigan) health system over the years, I had been researching options for further education that would assist in this transition and fit my busy schedule”

Janeta Cooper

“Becoming more involved in administration within the (MidMichigan) health system over the years, I had been researching options for further education that would assist in this transition and fit my busy schedule”

Lempor Kooper

“Becoming more involved in administration within the (MidMichigan) health system over the years, I had been researching options for further education that would assist in this transition and fit my busy schedule”

Zonalos Neko

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There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum that available but the majority have alteration in some form by injected humour. There are many variations of passages.

There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum that available but the majority have alteration in some form by injected humour. There are many variations of passages.

There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum that available but the majority have alteration in some form by injected humour. There are many variations of passages.

There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum that available but the majority have alteration in some form by injected humour. There are many variations of passages.

There are many variations of passages of lorem ipsum that available but the majority have alteration in some form by injected humour. There are many variations of passages.